Monday, November 17, 2014

Gadgets : Ramos Alarm Clock

Gadgets : Ramos Alarm Clock

Let’s be honest here, if we all had our way there is no way that we’d get out of bed in the morning. We’d all pretend we’re cats and sleep for the majority of the day, only getting up to eat and drink. It is very easy to hit the alarm clock and go straight back to sleep, but with Ramos you can’t actually do that — you have to physically get out of bed to turn the thing off in the morning.

Ramos isn’t like other alarm clocks with their fancy unlimited snooze functioning, instead you get a limited number of times that you can hit the button before it won’t work anymore. Once that time comes you have to get out of bed and bring your smartphone to a separate Bluetooth-enabled beacon to enter a ‘defuse code’ which will finally turn off that wretched siren you call an alarm.

The point of the beacon is that you’re supposed to put it in the place you tend to go to first in the morning. That could be the bathroom, the kitchen, or your office if you happen to be working from home. Once you’re there you might as well get started on the day right?

Unless you’re just like me, in which case you’re perfectly capable of wandering straight back to bed and falling asleep instantly.

The alarm thing isn’t all it can do, though. Ramos can also be integrated with smart home systems to make waking up a more pleasant experience. Sick of waking up to a cold house? Why not have the heating come on just before your alarm goes off? Maybe you can slowly turn the lights on, or possibly even have a cup of coffee ready to drink when you head downstairs. That all depends on you actually having a smart home system, but it is pretty damn cool that using Ramos means you won’t have to manually reset the timers if you decide to get up at a different time one day.

Like many other gadgets of this nature, Ramos is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter to make the product a reality. Pledging $99 (£63) will get you a Ramos alarm clock next May, which is quite a bit less than the estimated retail price of $130 (£83). Of course actually getting one is dependent on the campaign getting the $100,000 (£64,000) funding it requires.

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Sources : Ramos Alarm Clock Photo | Ramos Alarm Clock Article