Thursday, September 12, 2013

Videos : Thiago Pethit : Moon

Videos : Thiago Pethit : Moon

Brazilian music is known abroad from its most popular musical genres: Samba and Bossa-Nova. But Brazilian music is much more than that and a cultural scene started in the mid-90s seems to be proving it.

Productions coming from cities with different perspectives and music traditions such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife – and with a little help from technology and internet to facilitate creation and communication between artists – are showing a whole new range of possibilities for anyone with an internet connection and a bit of curiosity.

Artists such as Thiago Pethit, Curumin, Tiê, Kassin, Domenico Lancellotti, Rodrigo Amarante, Marcelo Jeneci and Tulipa Ruiz, are just a few names of the new face of Brazilian music.

This new production still shows Brazilian music uniqueness, but it is somehow a music with pieces of the connected world – not to be confused with world music – a dialogue with different territories of music still trying to make sense in a land of excess information.

With this perspective Thiago Pethit’s ‘Mapa Mundi’ explores a very wide map of possibilities. Pethit’s debut album, Berlin, Texas, was released in Brazil in March of 2010 and he has already been picked by The Guardian as one of most promising new artists of 2011. Pethit also won the Best New Artist prize at the 2010 Brazilian MTV Awards.

As an independent record made without many resources, it proves that sometimes less is more. Pethit tries to get away from elaborate rhymes, focusing on very confessional and direct lyrics. In his recent work the instrumental music construction follows the simplicity of his lyrics, which may be in Portuguese, English or French. All instruments played on his CD, including a Cello, a ukulele and a mandolin, where analogically played without any kind of electronic interference. Moreover, instrument noise and throat clearing breaths were purposely part of recordings.

Pethit’s ability to combine his varied artistic experiences, which include a degree in performing arts and tango singing lessons in Buenos Aires, makes his appearance and on-stage dialogue a mixture of theater and music, ending in some kind of luxury cabaret with a lot of intensity. Thiago Pethit has a very interesting role in the new generation of Brazilian singers-songwriters and his wide map of influences and experiences shows very open minded possibilities for Brazilian music.

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Sources : Thiago Pethit Photo | Moon Video | Thiago Pethit Article