Saturday, February 23, 2013

Videos : Brooke Waggoner : Rumble

Videos : Brooke Waggoner : Rumble

Who Is Brooke Waggoner?
This record began as small simple melodies on my Spinnet piano; a piano that was once a golden honey color—A glorified brown.

I NEEDED this piano to be black. In a burst of rash action I bought 9 cans of black spray paint and coated the entire instrument in layers of murky froth. Pianos are heavy and this one couldn’t be moved. So my studio, speakers, microphones, books & records were draped with tarps while the vapors clung to the wood.

A party was had.

I couldn’t wait til it dried to sit down and play the freshly painted instrument. Surrounded in a cloud of white clothe tarps–soaring on fumes I sat down and wrote songs; songs that bewitched me and are now smeared on the whites of the ivories. Sweat and paint went into each note.
A party was had.

Like a ray of perfectly aligned stars, Chad Howat (Paper Route) and I miraculously decided we should reunite and work together again to make this project. And we felt enlisting the mind of Dan Brigham (Canon Blue) could only bring it to another level. After numerous cups of coffee, late nights spent exchanging notes and emails, and geeking out over TalkTalk records we decided recording this lp in an old-fashioned and traditional manner only made sense. Vintage gear and 2″ tape. No computers — Just a room with really good musicians and ears for beautiful things.

It was January then and I have a vague recollection of layered coats, dry skin, cracked cuticles on the keys, and passing the chapstick around. Harps, Organs, big gold brassy instruments, field recordings, french films, basses of all different shapes and sizes, a magical choir, new friends and old somehow found their way into this music. I’m forever grateful it did.

Contact Brooke Waggoner