Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cars : Koenigsegg Regera

Cars : Koenigsegg Regera

The man behind Koenigsegg, Christian von Koenigsegg, is the mad scientist of the automotive industry. His latest monster is called Regera (“to reign” in Swedish), and it’s the fastest production electric car ever thanks to the trio of electric engines that output a combined 700bhp. Those are serious numbers for a car that weighs less than two tons, but the Koenigsegg Regera also has an 1100bhp standard combustion engine. In order to make all this work without any of the standard hybrid sacrifices (small combustion engine, two engines, conversion loss, etc.), Koenigsegg threw out the traditional transmission and developed their own Direct Drive System (KDD) that uses the electric motors instead of traditional gears. The science behind this car is almost as mind-boggling as the 1500bhp output that propels the car from 0-250mph in under 20 seconds. It also has robotics (doors, bonnets, wing), 9″ infotainment system and constellation running lights, but that all pales in comparison to the speed.

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Sources : Koenigsegg Regera Photo | Koenigsegg Regera Article