Sunday, March 15, 2015

Clubs : USA : Minneapolis : Minnesota : First Avenue

Clubs : USA : Minneapolis : Minnesota : First Avenue

About First Avenue
San Francisco has the Fillmore. New York has the Bowery. D.C. has the 9:30 Club. And Minneapolis has First Avenue and the 7th St Entry. Anyone who knows about music in this town will tell you that, for the last four+ decades, First Avenue has been integral to the Twin Cities' vibrant music scene. From the avant garde to the mainstream, First Avenue is a music club committed to fostering arts, music and entertainment excellence. There are a lot of people who care deeply about this club and have made it their lives. First Avenue is, quite simply, what a music club should be.

First Avenue Review By Joseph D.: Saint Paul, MN
"Do you know how many great artists got their start at First Avenue? Oh my gosh, it's like a Minneapolis icon, I can't believe you've never been. Price got his start here. Like, seriously."
- all of my friends in Minneapolis

So many people bragged about this place to me. So many proud Minnesotans. I didn't want to be impressed...I've from the live music Capitol of the world for Pete's sake, how could I be?

Well, I was. Very well laid out venue with a bar packed into every nook and cranny. Every corner you turn, WHAM! There's a guy serving Grain Belt Tall Boys and Vodka Redbull.

The place gets packed of course but the pit holds way more than it seems like it should and there's lots of great standing room upstairs if you get there early enough.

I feel like I should comment about the acoustics and how they really took into account the quality of the music, but I just don't know enough about all that. All I can say is that the Punch Brothers sure did sound good.

Looking forward to my next concert here."

Contact First Avenue
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
Address : 701 1st Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55403 | Phone : (612) 332-1775

Sources : First Avenue Photo | First Avenue Information | First Avenue Review