Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gear : Phone Cases : Rhino Shield Crash Guard

Gear : Phone Cases : Rhino Shield Crash Guard

#bendgate aside, the iPhone 6 and 6+ are just as susceptible to drop damage as any other large-screen smartphone out there. No matter how careful you plan to be, you won’t escape that occasional drop. Manufacturers make these latest smartphones so slim, sleek, and light that it seems almost a crime to encase them at all. But unless you don’t mind damaged tech or have an open-budget for replacement, protection is necessary.

When it comes to choice of smartphone cases, the options seem endless. There’s something for everyone. As for me – when it comes to cases – I prefer to have just edge and corner coverage, and no more. If you too appreciate your smartphone being as naked as possible while staying protected, then you’ll love the latest product to come from Evolutivelabs.

The Rhino Shield Crash Guard is a bumper case for the iPhone 5, 6, and 6+. These cases are specifically designed with both hard and soft polymers that are guaranteed to protect and not slide off. The matte finish looks good, provides some grip, and resists scratches from typical wear and tear.

Pledge a bit more and you can get a pair of Rhino Shield screen protectors (Evolutive Labs’ first KS campaign) for the front and back of your iPhone. If life were perfect, all smartphone drops would happen over lush grass. Unfortunately, the reality is that gravel, uneven pavement, brick, and worse surfaces exist. The screen protectors will take the brunt of hits and absorb the damage so your iPhone screen doesn’t develop nicks or scratches.

Rhino Shield stuff is so tough, you can drive a vehicle over a covered iPhone. The bumper case comes in six colors, so check out the Rhino Shield Crash Guard Kickstarter campaign page and see which one you like. A great case is a very small price to pay for huge piece of mind.

Purchase here.

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Sources : Rhino Shield Crash Guard Photo | Rhino Shield Crash Guard Article